Two princesses, polar opposites, remain trapped inside their palace by an overprotective father. Shy and reserved Princess Addie hides from the dragons and monsters plaguing the countryside while bold and daring Princess Meryl dreams of dramatic adventures saving her beloved kingdom. Fearful Addie never imagined that Meryl’s greatest adventure would be fighting the violent illness that claimed their mother.
Now Addie must find her courage on a valiant journey to cure her sister. The dragons, spectators, and gryphons, once safely locked inside her storybooks, come to live in the most vivid way imaginable. Gail Carson Levine painted a beautiful world where fear and courage are tested by one remarkable heroine.
Gail Carson Levine has done it again. She never fails to astonish me. A few friends recommended this book to me, and I devoured it, scanning each page as quickly as possible. Addie amazed me, as did her journey for a beloved sister. The action, adventure, and romance Levine always delivers come to live as one fearful girl embarks on a quest against the greatest monster we are all acquainted with—fear.
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